Scenes from Snowy Vesturbær

Scenes from snowy Vesturbær I

The cold is enveloping Reykjavík, with temperatures as low as -10°C — and less. It’s December, after all, isn’t it? It’s supposed to be cold. A bit of fresh air cannot hurt. Trivial note: I just bought a pair of gloves that actually allow to handle a camera without having my hands turn into icicle … Read the full article →

Murphy’s Law is Always Right

I should credit a man living in our neighborhood for coming up at the right time with the simple statement I am using as a title, which perfectly sums up the last days’ events. He said this not to me, but to the partner in crime, as they were both replacing their tires in the … Read the full article →

Traditional Bonfires Bidding Farewell to Festivities in Reykjavík

Due to the stormy weather that in the past days hit the whole country, bonfires traditionally held on Threttándinn — that is, “the Thirteenth” day in Christmas festivities or, if you prefer, January 6 — had been postponed. Today, as we were around walking the dog in the afternoon, we encountered crowds of Icelanders celebrating … Read the full article →

A Brief Autumn Diary

In between a few attacks of cold and sore throat, we have been enjoying the autumnal weather, with its fits of wildness which we were not exactly prepared to face. Mothers and the Yahoo! Weather kept on informing us about the mild temperatures in the Southern part of Europe. We had little time though to … Read the full article →