Iceland Photo-A-Day #105

There is more to hanging laundry on a clothesline to dry than just mastering the hanging part. Forecasts are usually the best ally for such a task, but in Iceland it might get tricky… Bye-bye snazzy underwear and dispirited dishtowels… See you in July.

Christmas Morning – A Photo Diary

These images were taken early on Christmas morning, at around 5 AM, in the midst of a snowstorm and while everybody was sound asleep after the celebrations for Christmas Eve. Despite the cold and the crazy weather, it was a magical moment, in a way. One of the best Christmas presents I have ever been … Read the full article →

On Why December Is Rather Nice

Oh Reykjavík, you can be lovely in the winter. Your days sometimes start with a snowfall and end with the sigh of the wind, while others nothing in the world will break the day-long quiet. Footprints unnoticed form and disappear. Your streets smell of grilled fish and cookies. Your windows never go to sleep; they … Read the full article →

Winter Is Here

Snow has started to fall just a handful of days ago — a little less, actually. Iceland is getting ready for the festivities: Christmas trees and bright decorations are coming alive everywhere, from the formal residences to the most unpretentious lodgings. And beyond those, in shops, schools and squares. After just one Sunday off the … Read the full article →

A Delayed Season

I followed in the footsteps of my former self, trusting the first consistent rays of sunlight as a reliable sign spring was near. I used to rely of my sense of smell to know when it was time. My sense of smell is dormant right now: April’s almost over and I have yet to sense … Read the full article →

A Brief Autumn Diary

In between a few attacks of cold and sore throat, we have been enjoying the autumnal weather, with its fits of wildness which we were not exactly prepared to face. Mothers and the Yahoo! Weather kept on informing us about the mild temperatures in the Southern part of Europe. We had little time though to … Read the full article →