Scenes from Snowy Vesturbær

Scenes from snowy Vesturbær I

The cold is enveloping Reykjavík, with temperatures as low as -10°C — and less. It’s December, after all, isn’t it? It’s supposed to be cold. A bit of fresh air cannot hurt. Trivial note: I just bought a pair of gloves that actually allow to handle a camera without having my hands turn into icicle … Read the full article →

Winter Is Here

Snow has started to fall just a handful of days ago — a little less, actually. Iceland is getting ready for the festivities: Christmas trees and bright decorations are coming alive everywhere, from the formal residences to the most unpretentious lodgings. And beyond those, in shops, schools and squares. After just one Sunday off the … Read the full article →

On Top of Hallgrímskirkja

View of Reykjavík from Hallgrímskirkja's tower

As a child, I used to make fun of people who told me they hadn’t visited monuments of their own city. It was more or less like, “Why, you have never been to the Colosseum?! How lame! You sure you’re living in Rome? Oh oh oh…”, and rolling eyes usually accompanied the verbal exchange. What … Read the full article →

Innipúkinn 2011 Program is Out!

Here it is, the program for Innipúkinn Festival 2011, taking place this week-end (29-31 July) at Iðnó, in downtown Reykjavík. This is the schedule for all the evening acts, but as usual Innipúkinn comes packed with other fancy activities for everybody’s merriment, like cocktail hour, pop quizzes and, of course, more live music. Friday 20:00 … Read the full article →

News from Innipúkinn Festival 2011

OK, folks, there is less than a week left before Innipúkinn Festival starts. Since my last post, the lineup of Innipúkinn 2011 underwent some substantial changes. Last update was released just a few moments ago. A detailed program is not available yet, but I will have it posted as soon as it becomes available. Anyway, … Read the full article →

Innipúkinn Festival – 29-31 July 2011

Innipúkinn 2011 is coming. The festival, now in its 10th year, will feature as usual some of the most interesting music made in Iceland. If you yearn to get acquainted to Icelandic music better, this is one of the best occasion you will be offered. Innipúkinn, usually held during in downtown Reykjavík during the last … Read the full article →