Of Icelandic Easter Oracles and Masonic Chicks

The partner in crime insisted that this year we should have a chocolate egg. I opposed the idea for a while, but mine was a lost cause. We basically had only two choices, so we got one of the medium sized Nói Síríus milk chocolate eggs. The thing that immediately struck me as the most … Read the full article →

Bouncy Valentine

It does not really matter if you are into it or not. Valentine’s Day is one of those useless occasions we all like to bash while stuffing our mouths with heart-shaped chocolates. Back when I was a teenager for instance, it was terribly uncool to admit even the slightest interest for this celebration. The official … Read the full article →

Christmas Morning – A Photo Diary

These images were taken early on Christmas morning, at around 5 AM, in the midst of a snowstorm and while everybody was sound asleep after the celebrations for Christmas Eve. Despite the cold and the crazy weather, it was a magical moment, in a way. One of the best Christmas presents I have ever been … Read the full article →

Yule Lads Reloaded

Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Christmas/Yule is approaching fast and snow and weather is helping to create just the right atmosphere. Yule is one of the biggest things in Iceland, although perhaps differently from what you would expect. In Iceland, Yule has still a lot to do with tradition. People of course … Read the full article →

Happy First Day of Summer!

It’s true: I’m still wearing double socks and I wouldn’t dare going out without a scarf or two. But it doesn’t matter, ’cause I’m a sissy and everybody knows it. Today is the First Day of Summer in Iceland. And this year this date marks also the start of Easter celebrations. Jeez, it’s Thursday already. … Read the full article →

Traditional Bonfires Bidding Farewell to Festivities in Reykjavík

Due to the stormy weather that in the past days hit the whole country, bonfires traditionally held on Threttándinn — that is, “the Thirteenth” day in Christmas festivities or, if you prefer, January 6 — had been postponed. Today, as we were around walking the dog in the afternoon, we encountered crowds of Icelanders celebrating … Read the full article →