Iceland Eruption News: Ash Cloud Forecast

According to representatives of the UK Meteorological Office, the ash cloud arising from the eruption that started two days ago in Grímsvötn should not reach the UK before the end of the week. Anyhow, due to the constantly changing weather – more variable than during last year’s eruption – the situation is constantly evolving. Forecast … Read the full article →

Ash Cloud Spreading Causes Flights Disruptions

Because of the forecast that came from the British aviation authority, all local and international flights from and to Iceland have been grounded today. The Keflavik airport closed this morning at 09:30am. The ash plume raising from the Grímsvötn volcano reached a maximum height of 20Km yesterday, but since then the eruption seems to have … Read the full article →

Day of the ash

Preparations to celebrate Sjómannadagurinn (Seafarer’s Day in English) were well under the way everywhere in the capital: people at work could be seen all around, washing cars, polishing windows, painting walls and fences, mowing lawns. Everything looked so very promising, and everybody seemed so busy and happy. Excitement over the upcoming festivity – one of … Read the full article →

Into the ash cloud

In a perfect dream, spaces are so vast you can forget all about yourself and your daily worries. Time stops and everything seems to be still and eternal. In a perfect dream everybody feels safe and at ease with himself. Perfect dreams though sometimes can merge with nightmares. Not terrible nightmares, those wrapped in hopelessness … Read the full article →

Ash cloud reaches Reykjavík

It’s been reported today that due to change in wind direction, the ash cloud has finally reached the capital city area. The phenomenon is not as noticeable as it could be due to bad weather conditions. According to official measurements, ash particles percentage has not exceeded safety levels and it’s been forecasted that rain that … Read the full article →

“Should I Go to Iceland?”

So, the ash cloud is back. Sorry for the lack of updates in the past days, but paying job and house hunting took most of our time. Anyhow, during the end of the week, the ash cloud caused once again big problems to air traffic in Europe. First, it affected transatlantic flights, forcing airlines to … Read the full article →

Ash Cloud Over Europe, Again

Well, it seems that the renewed ash cloud that started to emerge from the eruption site’s a couple of days ago is once again giving troubles to European air traffic. Ireland first, and then Scotland, had to close their air space, grounding all flights. The good news is that skies should clear again over these … Read the full article →