Ash cloud reaches Reykjavík

It’s been reported today that due to change in wind direction, the ash cloud has finally reached the capital city area. The phenomenon is not as noticeable as it could be due to bad weather conditions. According to official measurements, ash particles percentage has not exceeded safety levels and it’s been forecasted that rain that … Read the full article →

“Should I Go to Iceland?”

So, the ash cloud is back. Sorry for the lack of updates in the past days, but paying job and house hunting took most of our time. Anyhow, during the end of the week, the ash cloud caused once again big problems to air traffic in Europe. First, it affected transatlantic flights, forcing airlines to … Read the full article →

Europe Flights Chaos Continues

As we reported yesterday, halt to flights in Europe is likely to continue into the weekend. The ash cloud is moving south and east, moved by north northwest winds. Thus, Norway reopened part of their air space in the morning, Scotland and Northern Ireland will reopen their air space today at 18:00 GMT, and Sweden … Read the full article →