Apple Opens iTunes App Store for Iceland
Living in Iceland means paying more than twice what anybody in the US would pay to buy an iPhone 4 and not being able to purchase any app with it. Reading about Angry Birds without being able to play feels like a stupid joke. And it sucks, right? That’s what Apple users in Iceland must … Read the full article →
Björk’s Biophilia: An Exploration of Nature, Music and Technology
Superior artists are not only extraordinarily gifted in their specific area of interest, they are also extremely skilled in the art of teasing. Björk is one of those artists capable of generating interest far beyond normally tolerated levels with each and every one of her feats. News and speculations have been circulating about Björk’s Biophilia … Read the full article →
Iceland Photo-A-Day #55
I realize that for some reason lately I am inclined to take frequently pictures of horses. Not that these pictures are great or anything, but I have many. Most of these I just discard because they look so-so or too cliched for my taste. Some look totally forgettable. In this case, although I thought the … Read the full article →
Iceland Airwaves 12-16 October 2011
Some fresh and exciting news from Iceland Airwaves 2011. There is a lot of great music you need to hear at this year’s festival! Warning: there is actually too much great music at this Airwaves. I know there are always skeptical readers out there, so if you cannot believe me, just look at the lineup … Read the full article →