Winter Is Here

Snow has started to fall just a handful of days ago — a little less, actually. Iceland is getting ready for the festivities: Christmas trees and bright decorations are coming alive everywhere, from the formal residences to the most unpretentious lodgings. And beyond those, in shops, schools and squares. After just one Sunday off the … Read the full article →

Iceland Photo-A-Day #88

To tell the truth, this “monster” has been resting for several days in a row. Is it on a strike or is it dead? Neither, I guess. They are maybe just waiting to remove it, and maybe not. If it goes by the country’s standards, it will be forgotten and parked there for months, until … Read the full article →

On Top of Hallgrímskirkja

View of Reykjavík from Hallgrímskirkja's tower

As a child, I used to make fun of people who told me they hadn’t visited monuments of their own city. It was more or less like, “Why, you have never been to the Colosseum?! How lame! You sure you’re living in Rome? Oh oh oh…”, and rolling eyes usually accompanied the verbal exchange. What … Read the full article →

Apple Opens iTunes App Store for Iceland

Living in Iceland means paying more than twice what anybody in the US would pay to buy an iPhone 4 and not being able to purchase any app with it. Reading about Angry Birds without being able to play feels like a stupid joke. And it sucks, right? That’s what Apple users in Iceland must … Read the full article →

A Memory of Swallows

After you have resided for some time by the sea, one of the first things  you cannot help noticing when you move away is the different smell of the air. Anywhere else, the air feels insipid and dull. When deprived of a familiar element, senses are at loss and adapting is not always easy. Since … Read the full article →