Easy Tips to Iceland Travel Photos You Will Cherish

It’s true, most travelers these days will go nowhere without a camera. One condition that travelers usually consider when picking their next destination, consciously or unconsciously, is that it promises to be a photogenically rewarding subject. A photo is evidence you have somehow “made yours” what you saw, thus a photo you take is a … Read the full article →

Of Icelandic Easter Oracles and Masonic Chicks

The partner in crime insisted that this year we should have a chocolate egg. I opposed the idea for a while, but mine was a lost cause. We basically had only two choices, so we got one of the medium sized Nói Síríus milk chocolate eggs. The thing that immediately struck me as the most … Read the full article →

Bouncy Valentine

It does not really matter if you are into it or not. Valentine’s Day is one of those useless occasions we all like to bash while stuffing our mouths with heart-shaped chocolates. Back when I was a teenager for instance, it was terribly uncool to admit even the slightest interest for this celebration. The official … Read the full article →

The Long Echoing Season, Round and Round

Sin Fang

Year 2012 had a slow start. We went sliding from one year to the next with almost empty hands–I said hands, not heads! I am back to listening to some more Summer Echoes in these days of January, and with great satisfaction. Far from summery visions, the good notes hold well even in the wintry … Read the full article →

On Why December Is Rather Nice

Oh Reykjavík, you can be lovely in the winter. Your days sometimes start with a snowfall and end with the sigh of the wind, while others nothing in the world will break the day-long quiet. Footprints unnoticed form and disappear. Your streets smell of grilled fish and cookies. Your windows never go to sleep; they … Read the full article →

Yule Lads Reloaded

Yes, it’s that time of the year again. Christmas/Yule is approaching fast and snow and weather is helping to create just the right atmosphere. Yule is one of the biggest things in Iceland, although perhaps differently from what you would expect. In Iceland, Yule has still a lot to do with tradition. People of course … Read the full article →

Scenes from Snowy Vesturbær

Scenes from snowy Vesturbær I

The cold is enveloping Reykjavík, with temperatures as low as -10°C — and less. It’s December, after all, isn’t it? It’s supposed to be cold. A bit of fresh air cannot hurt. Trivial note: I just bought a pair of gloves that actually allow to handle a camera without having my hands turn into icicle … Read the full article →