Don’t take me to a cruise

We went earlier to see the ship AIDAwhatsitcalled harbored here in Reykjavík. Such an overgrown amass of metal and glass that was a truly impressive sight to behold. A lot of Icelanders were there too, to take photos and jawdrop in silent envy. Some remained inside their cars to watch from a distance, some were … Read the full article →

Day of the ash

Preparations to celebrate Sjómannadagurinn (Seafarer’s Day in English) were well under the way everywhere in the capital: people at work could be seen all around, washing cars, polishing windows, painting walls and fences, mowing lawns. Everything looked so very promising, and everybody seemed so busy and happy. Excitement over the upcoming festivity – one of … Read the full article →

Best Party wins Reykjavík elections

The results of the local elections held yesterday are out and they confirm what previous exit polls suggested. The Best Party (better known around here as Besti flokkurinn), led by popular comedian Jón Gnarr and featuring well-known figures from the local arts and entertainment scene, wins Reykjavík elections with 34.7% of votes, earning six out … Read the full article →

“Should I Go to Iceland?”

So, the ash cloud is back. Sorry for the lack of updates in the past days, but paying job and house hunting took most of our time. Anyhow, during the end of the week, the ash cloud caused once again big problems to air traffic in Europe. First, it affected transatlantic flights, forcing airlines to … Read the full article →

Ash Cloud Over Europe, Again

Well, it seems that the renewed ash cloud that started to emerge from the eruption site’s a couple of days ago is once again giving troubles to European air traffic. Ireland first, and then Scotland, had to close their air space, grounding all flights. The good news is that skies should clear again over these … Read the full article →