The Eruption? Still Going!

The eruption, which according to our search stats and the trends on Google has already faded away from most people’s minds, is still going in Iceland. In fact, today it has been reported by the Icelandic Met Office that the explosive activity in the volcano has been increasing steadily over the past 2-3 days.

The eruption is currently a mix of a lava-producing phase, still predominant, and an explosive phase. The ash plume, which had decreased in the past week, is now growing again, darker and wider and reaching an height of 5 km. This is causing an increase of ash fall-out in the surroundings of Eyjafjallajökull, where now grey ash clouds are being observed all above the area. Additionally, white steam plumes are now rising from Gígjökull, the outlet glacier North of Eyjafjallajökull, probably because of the lava coming into contact with the ice. An increase in the level of Markarfljót river was also registered. Due to the winds, ash could fall south and east of the volcano.

We will keep you updated. Meanwhile, here are some articles from the past weeks that could interest you.