German Film Days 2012 – 16-25 March

The German Film Days, Þýskir Kvikmyndadagar 2012 is starting tomorrow. This nine-day event, an occasion for local moviegoers to keep up-to-date with relevant releases in the German film industry, is now in its second edition. The German Film Days will be taking place at Bíó Paradís in the period between 16-25 March, 2012.

German Film Days 2012 - Almanya Welcome to Germany

The theme of this year’s festival is family, explored in its many and forms and nuances. A selection of seven productions made in Germany revolving around this theme will be screened in the course of the event. The works in program are the following:

  • Almanya – Willkommen in Deutschland (Almanya – Welcome to Germany) by Yasemin Samderel
  • Halt auf Freie Strecke (Between Stops) by Andreas Dresen
  • Mahler auf der Couch (Mahler on the Couch) by Percy Adlon and Felix Adlon
  • Unter dir die Stadt (The City Below) by Christoph Hochhäusler
  • Schlafkrankheit (Sleeping Sickness) by Ulrich Köhler
  • Drei (Three) by Tom Tykwer
  • Wer wenn wir riding? (If Not Us, Who?) by Andres Veiel

Yasemin Samderel’s comedy feature about a Turkish family moving to Germany will be the festival’s opener on Friday at 8:00 PM. For the full schedule, please visit the program section on the web page of Bíó Paradís.

The German Film Days are under the sponsorship of Bíó Paradís with the Goethe Institut, the Embassy of Germany in Iceland, Sjónlínan, Katla Travel and RÚV.

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