Readers: Interact!

We have had an enormous increase in traffic over the past two days. We would like to encourage all our readers following the events of the eruption or those simply interested in Iceland to participate. You can do so by sending your comments, joining our Facebook page (if you plan on following us after the eruption, of course), and by contacting us through our contact form.

And if you were affected by the eruption in any way, your experience might be extremely interesting and valuable to the hundreds of visitors visiting every hour.

Suggestions, criticism, and anything to make the website better are welcome. Since is still a young website, we have a lot to do, and that is where you can help.

3 thoughts on “Readers: Interact!”

  1. “Yes, Sir! Yes, Ma’am!” =)

    Okay, the volcano. I remember planting trees with some people from Hvolsvöllur in the summer of 1997 or 1998. From Hvolsvöllur, where we picked up a huge trailor packed with small birch seedlings, we were driving in a very old yellow jeppi some kilometers westward and came to an halt somewhere in the middle of nowhere. There was sand under our feet, some Krias above our heads and the most delicious wind filled with heather and ocean smell blew around our noses. Each of us got a box of seedlings attached to its belt and a stick in the hand and then we started planting. Everybody had its own way of planting. Some did it side by side, others alone somewhere off the track. So did I and looking north I saw the Eyjafallajökull. Blissful day.

    “I hope this was okay???” 😉

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