RIFF Day 6 – Noam Chomsky to give a free lecture at the Haskolabio

Noam Chomsky will be giving a free lecture today at the International Film Festival. He will partecipate via videoconference from his home in Cambridge, Massachussets. Chomsky, professor emeritus of linguistics at the University Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he has worked since 1955, and one of the most prominent American scholars, has been for years a reference point in the world debate regarding subjects ranging from linguistics, politics and ethics to analysis of the role of the media in our modern societies.

The discussion of today’s forum will be centered on reflections about the recent economical collapse of the West. Also, the situation of Iceland and the events that lead to the present critical situation will be dealt with. Aim of the forum will be that of envisioning possible solutions out of the crisis, what strategies should be employed and also what role intellectuals should have.

Partecipants in the discussion will be: Irma Erlingsdóttir, Gudni Elísson, Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson, Solveig Anna Jónsdóttir, and John Waters, Professor of Philosophy of Social Sciences, University of Bifrost. Canadian director Peter Wintonick will be moderating. Wintonick’s film Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992) is being screened at this year’s festival.

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