Of Icelandic Easter Oracles and Masonic Chicks

The partner in crime insisted that this year we should have a chocolate egg. I opposed the idea for a while, but mine was a lost cause. We basically had only two choices, so we got one of the medium sized Nói Síríus milk chocolate eggs. The thing that immediately struck me as the most intriguing about this egg–which was also what eventually won my heart–is the fact the whole thing is topped by a chick with a red cap holding a smaller upside down egg. According to the partner in crime, this must be a masonic symbol of some sort. I am more inclined to believe this must be pure eccentricity on the manufacturer’s part.

Nói Síríus masonic egg?
Nói Síríus masonic egg?

So what was inside this masonic egg? Lots of candies–gummy and sticky stuff, mainly–just because the chocolate itself wasn’t enough to mess up our digestion. It also contained words of wisdom that read,

Margur verður af aurum api

This is a saying from the Hávamál that could roughly be translated as “money makes monkeys out of men”. Why, thank you High One. If only the country would listen to your wise warning… Anyway, we will keep this in mind. It’ll come in handy.

This whole Easter egg affair was very mysterious overall and should be turned into a horror movie. I sense it has a lot of potential.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. Gleðilega Páska! Happy–belated–Easter to all!