Traditional Bonfires Bidding Farewell to Festivities in Reykjavík

Due to the stormy weather that in the past days hit the whole country, bonfires traditionally held on Threttándinn — that is, “the Thirteenth” day in Christmas festivities or, if you prefer, January 6 — had been postponed.

Today, as we were around walking the dog in the afternoon, we encountered crowds of Icelanders celebrating the last day of the festive period after this two-day delay, although to be perfectly accurate, a few had already dismantled their complex decorative displays. An impressive bonfire was lighting the dusky shores of the neighborhood of Vesturbær, where we live.

Many had still a good supply of firecrackers and fireworks available, very likely expressly preserved for this special occasion.

I had the brilliant idea of leaving for the first time in ages the camera at home, so I had to rely on the iPhone for having this little video taken. My hands were very unhappy for being forced off the safety of their gloves.