Christmas Wallpapers for You!

Christmas is approaching and we want to thank our readers with some little extra.
Here is a Christmas wallpaper to get into the festive mood. I know, it’s a bit on the wacky side, but Christmas can indeed be very wacky. Enjoy!

Iceland Chronicles Xmas Wallpaper
640×960 (iPhone)||800×600||1024×768 || 1280×800 || 1280×960 || 1280×1024 || 1440×900 || 1600×900 || 1600×1200 || 1680×1050 || 1920×1080 || 1920×1200 || 1920×1440 || 2048×1536 || 2520×1575

PS: Just to let you know, I am using the iPhone wallpaper myself: I just like to look at those kitty heads dangling, ha!

PPS: I know there are a lot of different screen resolutions these days and making wallpapers for any of them is almost impossible. So it’s very possible you won’t find the right size among the ones we have here. In that case, when available, you can download a larger resolution image and it should work fine!

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