Innipúkinn Festival 2010 – Three days in photos

This year’s festival is over and we made it back in one piece. The sense of hearing might be compromised, but it was for a good purpose. Anyway, if you were there you probably won’t need this visual account. If you were not there, too bad you missed it. We enjoyed an impressive amount of music in the last three days. Some acts we knew, some others we didn’t; some acts we loved, some others we didn’t. At any rate, Iceland never ceases to amaze us for the music it has to offer. In the downtimes, we relaxed and had a few good walks back and forth from a venue to the other, while Paul Allen’s helicopters were flying all over the place just a few meters away, making everybody feel a little miserable.

People sure were wasted after the shows. Not all live music events are only about music. They’re also about drinking and socializing. Some musician was not so happy to have all that social activity going on while everybody was supposed to be immersed in music. And the dude grabbing my arm in such a persistent manner during day one wasn’t nice, if you ask me. Oh well.

Overall we had a good time, despite the legendary affection that prevents Icelanders to be on time and to comply with schedules and programs – but you know, they’re not the only ones – , and even though we couldn’t be anywhere at the same time and attend all the musicians’ gigs. Next year maybe we’ll become almighty and ubiquitous and we’ll be able to be more exhaustive. Or we’ll be socializing ourselves with a bottle of beer in each hand. But in any case we’ll be at the venues at least thirty minutes later.

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