Extreme Flooding in Markarfljót River

RUV.is and IcelandReview.com are reporting that the South Iceland districts of Fljótshlíd and Landeyjar are still being evacuated by the Civil Protection in fear that a sudden increase in the water level of the Markarfljót river, caused by the volcanic eruption in Eyjafjallajökull glacier, might break or surpass the levees protecting these areas.

The new flooding seemed even more dangerous than the ones we had in the past two days for many factors. First, big icebergs, up to 5 meters in width, were appearing in the river. Second, some levees had already sustained damages and stress because of today and yesterday’s flooding. Anyhow, according to reports from the Civil Protection, the flooding seems to have peaked for the time being, with no major damages to the bridge on the river or to levees.

Evacuation of people in the areas is proceeding with no issues, and there are no news of harmed people or animals.